Donna’s Cancer Care Direct Story: Faster Time to Liver Cancer Treatment

Cancer Care Direct member Donna V. began experiencing a sharp pain on her right side over the fall of 2023. The pain would surface out of nowhere, then disappear just as quickly. Thinking it was likely indigestion, Donna never gave it too much thought. “Then one day I woke up and it hurt so badly […]

Donna’s Lantern Story: Faster Time to Liver Cancer Treatment

Lantern member Donna V. began experiencing a sharp pain on her right side over the fall of 2023. The pain would surface out of nowhere, then disappear just as quickly. Thinking it was likely indigestion, Donna never gave it too much thought. “Then one day I woke up and it hurt so badly I couldn’t […]

How Employers Can Lead the Way on Changing Healthcare Incentives

Self-insured employers pay more for a range of medical procedures compared with fully insured employers and haven’t traditionally had the same bargaining power with providers.  So how can employers get more leverage? We asked Zeke Emanuel, MD, an oncologist and world leader in health policy and bioethics, about his ideas for how self-insured employers can start seeing […]

What’s the Employer Role in Cancer Care Management?

If you’ve been following healthcare news lately, you may have noticed a few trends in cancer care: More young people are getting cancer—and researchers aren’t sure why. While outcomes have improved for some populations, they remain stubbornly poor in others. For example, Black women die of breast cancer at a 40% higher rate compared with white women. […]