Your Challenges
The cost of healthcare is rising and organizations must look for ways to reduce costs without sacrificing quality of care or patient experience.
Surgical cases make up 20% of spend, driven by a small subset of employees.
Cost doesn't equal quality in surgery care. While costs rise, complications and avoidable surgery rates stay the same.
Employees have no easy way of finding the best care and struggle to navigate a complex system
Lantern is here to offer affordable, high-quality surgical
care—because your employees deserve access to both.
Lantern is here to offer affordable, high-quality surgical care—because your employees deserve access to both.
The Lantern Surgery Care Difference
A Network of Excellence
We rigorously vet surgeons at the individual level, selecting providers based on training in their specialty and a reputational and malpractice review by a board of clinicians in their same field.
Our network providers have performed specific procedures hundreds of times, so you can be confident your people are in good hands.
With an industry-leading recovery rate of 99.4% and average distance of travel being 23 miles in the top 50 MSAs, your members receive excellent care close to home with Lantern.

Cut Costs, Not Corners
Lantern is the market leader in driving savings, up to 50% better than market pricing. By contracting at agreed-upon rates, we are able to halve cost per procedure, dramatically reducing your overall healthcare costs, savings you can pass on to your members when they choose a Lantern provider.
Our compensation model aligns our incentives: we make money when your employees choose the Lantern option.
White-Glove Experience
Not only do we steer members to the best surgeons available, we steward them through their end-to-end surgical journey and into recovery.
Your employees will be connected to a Care Advocate who knows their case and their course of treatment.
We assist with everything from scheduling, to billing, to transport, making the experience easy at every step.

Always Nearby
With Lantern, care is within reach of every member we support.
Lantern Surgery Care is the most accessible and largest network compared to similar centers of excellence. Our members receive excellent care without traveling long distances.