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To celebrate the Lantern team members who go above and beyond for members every day, we’re sharing the story of one of our members who was able to get the care she needed—and find a new doctor she loves—thanks to her Lantern Care Advocate.

Saving for Surgery

Alyssa M. learned about her company’s new Lantern benefit while saving for a surgery her doctor told her she would need soon. Even with insurance, Alyssa knew the procedure would be expensive. But it was necessary.

One of her colleagues in HR let her know about the new benefit her company was launching in January 2024—Lantern. She explained to Alyssa that her surgery could be covered under the benefit.

“She told me it would be brand new and that no one had used it yet at my company,” Alyssa said. “I told her that I would look into it in January.”

Reaching Out for Support

Alyssa reached out to a Lantern Care Advocate and started the process of being matched with the surgeon she needed—an ENT for her procedure. From their first conversation, Alyssa found her Care Advocate knowledgeable and friendly.

“She walked me through the whole process of what to expect, and she said she would facilitate the first appointments and make sure all of my follow-up appointments went smoothly,” Alyssa said. “She was so helpful.”

Alyssa’s Care Advocate opened a case for her with Lantern and sent her options for her surgery. She could stay close to home for her care, which Alyssa appreciated.

As her surgery journey continued, Alyssa needed some additional imaging services. Her Care Advocate was a step ahead and found an imaging provider in her medical insurance network for her. This helped Alyssa save money on her care and make the most of her existing benefits.

“It was all very positive for me. (My Care Advocate) made it so easy,” Alyssa said.

“I’m so thankful for this service. It saved me a ton of money and a ton of stress.”

Alyssa M. Lantern member

A Positive Experience

In addition to the help and support of her Care Advocate, Alyssa connected with her new ENT. Her surgery went well, and within a few weeks, she was cleared to start running again—one of her hobbies. Getting cleared to hit the pavement again so early surprised Alyssa.

“I expected it to take six months,” she said. “But my ENT cleared me to run again within two weeks. She said to take it easy. Within a month, I was back to normal.”

Instead of returning to her original provider, Alyssa decided to continue seeing her Lantern ENT for continuing care.

Now, Alyssa recommends Lantern to her colleagues, letting them know how valuable the benefit was for her and the difference its availability made in her care.

“I’m so thankful for this service,” she said. “It saved me a ton of money and a ton of stress.”

A Passion for Great Service

Alyssa’s experience is typical for Lantern members. Lantern Care Advocates pride themselves on providing excellent care and support to members.

“I think the most important part of a Care Advocate’s role is to try to stay in tune with the members’ needs are…Members are not always people going through the best time in their life,” Adam Snarski, Director of Member Services, said. “We have an opportunity to set ourselves apart by not just connecting them with a doctor, but to give them a good experience all the way through.”